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Creepy Crawly

Only one queen bee survives
When a queen bee lays the fertilised eggs that will develop into new queens, only one of the newly laid queens actually survives. The first new queen that emerges from her cell destroys all other queens in their cells and thereafter, reigns alone.

Male praying mantis dies after...
The male praying mantis often loses his head - literally - after courting the female. The latter is known to decapitate the earnest suitor, and she often completely devours him.

Ants works, etc.
The president of  Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York, which specializes in cancer treatment, has observed that "ants are so much like human beings as to be an embarrassment." Writes Dr. Lewis Thomas: Ants "farm fungi, raise aphids as livestock, launch armies into wars, use chemical sprays to alarm and confuse enemies, capture slaves.  The families of weaver ants engage in child labor, holding their larvae like shuttles to spin out the thread that sews the leaves together for their fungus gardens. They exchange information ceaselessly. They do everything but watch television."

How Silkworms & its industry was saved
Louis Pasteur saved France's silkworm industry. When the industry, in southern France, was dealt a staggering blow by a disease that was killing the silkworms, the call went out for Pasteur - no one but Pasteur. Pasteur's solution, on locating a tiny parasite infesting silkworms and the mulberry leaves that were fed to them, was drastic, but rational: Destroy all infested worms and infected food . It was done. It worked. The silk industry was saved.

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