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De Gustibus

Carbonated beverages
Carbonated beverages became popular in 1832 after John Mathews invented an apparatus  for charging water with carbon dioxide gas. It is believed that the first carbonated soft drink was made in Philadelpia in 1807 when Dr. Philip Syng  Physick (the "father  of American surgery") asked a chemist to prepare carbonated  water for a patient. Flavor was added to make the drink more palatable.

Arabs first to drink coffee
The Arabs are known to have drunk coffee as of  850 A.D. It took Europe almost seven centuries to make its aquaintance. Although  Mocha, a  town in southwestern Arabia, had become an active port for coffee export by 1450, coffee did not appear in Europe until 1517.By 1580, Turkish coffee was imported in bulk to Italy, through Venice; by 1643, coffee was popular in Paris; in 1632, followed by the first coffee house in Oxford in 1650. Vienna, which was to become so famous for its coffee houses , did not catch up until 1683.

Fasting - the ultimate diet
Most healthy adults  can go without  eating anything for a month or longer. But they  must drink at least two quarts  of water a day. Fasting is the ultimate diet.

Manna from Heaven
The tale of "manna from heaven" eaten by the Hebrews in the desert may have been inspired by the sweet secretion produced by insects that are parasites of the tamarisk plant. The secretion is periodic in its appearance, and bedouins still gather it every June. It preserves well, and therefore is convenient for nomads.

To make a one pound comb honey, bees must collect nectar from about two million flowers.

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