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Finny Facts

More efficient
The tail propulsion of dolphins is superior in efficiency to that of ship propellors; they use less energy to achieve a given speed.

50 feet giants
The giant squid continues to grow as long as it lives. Some specimens reach 50 feet from the tip of the tentacles to the end of the tail.

Most dangerous fish
The electric eel is one of the most dangerous electric fish, with an average discharge of 400 volts. More than half its body is given over to electrical production.

Danger in the womb
Sharks can be dangerous even before they are born. One scientist, Stewart Springer, was bitten by a sand tiger shark embryo while he was examining its pregnant mother.

So deep
Lake Baikal, in Siberia, is the only lake in the world that is deep enough to have deep- sea fish.

Can swallow prey twice its size
The blackswallower, a deep-sea fish, is able to swallow prey larger than itself. It accomplishes this by moving its heart out of the way and pushing its gills aside. movable teeth in its throat help get the meals down, and its stomach stretches far enough to accommodate fish twice its size.

Dolphins are intelligent
Dolphins can, and do, crush barracudas with one snap of their jaws and kill sharks by merely ramming them with their snout. However, dolphins have never been known to attack humans. This is considered evidence of their intelligence.

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