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The Ten Commandments of Success
By Og Mandino*

1. Thou must labor each day as if thy life hung in the balance.

2.Thou must learn that with patience ye can control thy destiny.

3. Thou must chart thy course with care or ye will drift forever.

4. Thou must prepare for darkness while traveling in the sunlight.

5. Thou must smile in the face of adversity until it surrenders.

6. Thou must realize that plans are only dreams without action.

7. Thou must sweep cobwebs from thy mind before they imprison thee.

8. Thou must lighten thy load if ye would reach thy destination.

9. Thou must never forget that it is always later than ye think.

10. Thou must never strive to be anything but thyself.

* Og Mandino is a successful inspirational author and international speaker who has written the Greatest series (The Greatest Salesman in the World, The Greatest Secret in the World, The Greatest Miracle in the World, The Greatest Success in the World, etc.)

The Ten Commandments of Success have been taken from Og Mandino's The Greatest Success in the World © 1981.