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About Kings & Queens

Mock King becomes Real Monarch

From the history of Babylonia comes the story of Enlil-Bani, King Erra-Imitti's gardener, who was chosen by him to be the `king for a day´as part of a New Year's celebration. According to custom, each mock king, after ruling for his day, was sacrificed to the gods. In Enlil-Bani's case, however, Erra Imitti died during the celebration, and Enlil-Bani remained on the throne. He ruled well, for at least twenty-four years.

Danes saved Jews from Hitler's schemes

Hitler, hoping to isolate and demean the Jews in Denmark, as he had elsewhere, ordered all of them to wear a Star of David armband. His plan was foiled by the courageous and compassionate action of the Danes. Within hours of the order, Danish citizens of all religions were wearing the armband. King Christian X declared, "I am my country's first Jew."

Why a foot has 12 inches

If the arm of King Henry I (1068-1135) of England had been forty two inches long, the unit of measure of a `foot´today would be fourteen inches. But his arm happened to be thirty-six inches long, and he decreed that the standard `foot´ should be one-third that length - twelve inches.

Only the Office of the President Remains

When George Washington became President, in 1789, a king ruled France, a Holy Roman Emperior ruled much of Europe, a czarina ruled Russia, a shogun ruled Japan, and an emperior ruled China. Of these, only the office of President remains.

English King speaks and writes no English

George 1, King of England from 1714 to 1727, could neither speak nor write the English language. This German prince from Hanover and heir to the throne succeeded Queen Anne when he was 54 years old. He had no desire to learn the language of his new country and made no attempt to do so in the thirteen years he ruled.

Heard of a female Pharaoh?

A female pharaoh was unknown in Egypt before Hatshepsut, who began her reign in 1502 B.C. In order not to shock convention, she had herself portrayed in male costume, with a beared, and without breast.

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