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Animal World

Man used Lions to hunt

The Chinese, during the reign of Kublai Khan, used lions in hunting expeditions. They trained the big cats to pursue and drag down massive animals from wild bulls to bears, and stay with the kill until the hunters arrived.

Cheetah - the world's fastest mammal
The cheetah, the world's fastest mammal, runs at a maximum speed of sixty to sixty-three miles per hour. Remarkable also is its rate of acceleration - from standing start to a speed of 45 miles per hour in two seconds. However, it can maintain its top speed only for about 300 yards before exhastion causes it to give up the chase.

Crocodiles can digest iron and steel
The digestive juices of crocodiles contain so much hydrochloric acid that they have dissolved iron spearheads and 6-inch steel hooks that the crocodiles had swallowed.

Koalas don't need water
The koala, of Australia, is perfectly adapted to one specific tree, the eucalyptus, and doesn't need anything else, not even water. It is one of the few land animals that do not need water to supplement their food.

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